5 Facts About Your Herpes DiagnosisFeb 11, 2025Sexually transmitted diseases are a common problem, and herpes is among the most frequently contracted conditions people get. Here are some things you need to know about the illness if you’ve been diagnosed.
How to Relieve (or Prevent) Vaginal Dryness After 40Jan 16, 2025Women seldom talk about vaginal dryness and painful sex, so you may be surprised to learn it’s a common problem. Nearly 1 in 5 women younger than 50 and more than half of post-menopausal women deal with dryness. Learn about treatment options.
Tips for Managing Panic AttacksJan 16, 2025One minute, you’re fine, and the next, you’re struggling to breathe, and terror envelopes you — for no apparent reason. If you experience panic attacks, here are some tips that can help keep them at bay.
7 Things We Want You to Know About the Stomach FluJan 16, 2025Few things can lay you out like the stomach flu, which is not really a flu at all. In this blog post, we discuss this fact and more so that you’re better armed against this common gastrointestinal issue.
5 Reasons to Seek Treatment for Your Social AnxietyJan 10, 2025It’s not uncommon to feel uncomfortable in certain environments, whether it’s large crowds or people you don’t want to be around. However, if your discomfort happens in everyday situations and causes social anxiety, there may be reason to get help.
5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your ContraceptionJan 08, 2025You have many contraceptive options to help you plan your family. While it’s always good to have choices, navigating the pros and cons of each method can be challenging. You can get a head start by considering these five factors.
Does That Cut Require Stitches? How to TellDec 10, 2024Cuts and lacerations are part of everyday life; figuring out when they can benefit from stitches can be tricky, especially in the heat of the moment. Here are some great guidelines that can help.
Allergy, Cold, or Flu: How to Tell the DifferenceDec 10, 2024Coughing, stuffy nose, watery eyes — these are just a few of the many symptoms that allergies, colds, and flus all share, which makes telling them apart challenging. Here are some great rules of thumb you can use.
Are You a Candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?Dec 05, 2024If you have congestion and facial pain or pressure lasting 12 weeks or longer, there’s a good chance you have chronic sinusitis. And if you have this persistent condition, you can get long-lasting relief with a nonsurgical balloon sinuplasty.
7 Tips for Managing Asthma Symptoms in WinterDec 05, 2024Have you noticed that your asthma symptoms get worse during the winter? If so, you’re not alone. Winter asthma is a common but stressful problem. Learn why cold, dry air triggers flares and how to prevent them.
Going Abroad This Holiday Season? Book Your Travel Medicine Appointment TodayDec 02, 2024The holidays are coming up, and if you’re preparing to travel overseas to enjoy them, you should be medically prepared. This means making sure you have the right vaccines to protect yourself. Here’s what you should know.
Should I Have My Skin Lesion Removed?Nov 02, 2024Many different problems can affect your skin and cause lesions. Often, they’re harmless, but some lesions are signs of serious problems. How do you know which is which and if you should have it removed?
5 Signs Your Abdominal Pain Requires a Trip to Urgent CareNov 02, 2024Your belly houses a lot of different organs and systems so it’s rare to get through life without running into abdominal pain from time to time. Here are some guidelines for potentially concerning abdominal pain.
Managing Winter COPD Symptoms: Get Expert Care When You Need ItNov 02, 2024The cold winter air blowing through Chicago triggers COPD flare-ups. Winter is also peak time for the flu and other respiratory illnesses that cause COPD complications. Learn about COPD warning signs and when to seek immediate care.
Is Snoring a Health Concern?Oct 14, 2024Even if you don’t snore, you’ve likely heard someone else snore as they sleep. It can annoy others, but mild snoring isn’t a reason to worry. So, when is snoring a health concern?
Signs It's Time to Seek Immediate Care for Your RashOct 11, 2024It’s rare to get through life without a rash breaking out at some point. From chickenpox and insect bites to allergies and eczema, rashes are a leading driver of visits to urgent care centers like ours.
5 Signs of a Sports-Related ConcussionOct 11, 2024Being active is important for your family, and you engage in a lot of sports and recreation. Unfortunately, concussions are a common injury in these pursuits, so it’s important to recognize the signs so you can get treatment.
Millions of Americans Have Hypertension and Don't Know It. Could That Be You?Oct 02, 2024You know that high blood pressure is a serious condition that could cause a heart attack or early death. But you feel fine. You don’t have chest pain. You don’t have trouble breathing. Does that mean your blood pressure is normal? Maybe not.
Is It Allergies or a Sinus Infection?Oct 01, 2024Allergies and sinus infections can both happen more frequently in the fall and while they may initially feel the same, they require vastly different treatments. Here's how to tell the difference so you can get the care you need to feel better.
UTI Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore: When Urgent Care Is the Best OptionSep 27, 2024While you might think of a urinary tract infection (UTI) as a common and simple illness, it’s not always the case. Not every UTI has the same cause, and sometimes infections can be serious and fast to spread through your body.
New Fall Vaccines You Need to Know About: COVID-19, Flu, and RSVSep 27, 2024Keeping up with which vaccines you should get and when can be confusing. We’re here to help! Let’s discuss some new vaccines you may want to consider this fall.
Why Can’t I Breathe Through My Nose?Sep 17, 2024Proper breathing means you need to be able to move air in and out through your nose. If you’re having trouble getting air through your nose, it could be due to an underlying medical problem. Read on to find out more.
I’m Struggling with Substance Abuse: Can You Help?Aug 12, 2024Drugs are remarkable for the things they can do to better our lives, but millions of people struggle with substance use issues that take over their lives. Read on to find help if you’re having a problem.
Why Do I Keep Getting Headaches?Jul 24, 2024Headaches are extremely common and come in many types, but sometimes people deal with headaches that keep coming back. Why does this happen and what can be done to get the pain under control?
Help! I’m an Adult With AcneJun 07, 2024Acne is a common skin problem that plagues teens worldwide, but it’s something you can deal with at any age. If you’re an adult trying to cope with acne, here are the common causes and solutions to help you manage it.
The Link Between Mental Health Issues and Trouble SleepingMay 02, 2024Mental health conditions affect millions of people, and they can interfere with many different aspects of your life, including your quality of sleep. Read on to find out more about the issues that link the two and what can be done to help.
Men’s Health Issues That Aren’t Easy to Talk AboutApr 02, 2024Men develop many conditions as a result of family history, aging, and other factors. However, some issues are harder to accept and deal with, which makes treating them more of a challenge. Find out how we can help.
Rhythm Method: The Most Natural Approach to Family PlanningMar 02, 2024Birth control is essential to your personal life, and your choices will depend on whether you ever plan on having kids or not. The rhythm method is a natural way to approach conception, and here’s how it works.
Explanation for Female Hair LossFeb 08, 2024We start growing hair before we’re even born and develop it in different areas of our bodies as we go through puberty. Losing hair can happen anywhere on your body for a variety of reasons. What causes it to happen in women?
I Just Found Out I Have Fibroids — Now What?Jan 09, 2024During your reproductive years, uterine fibroids are a common occurrence. How you manage them depends on a number of factors. Whatever the cause of these growths, we’re here to help. Read on to find out more.
Ward Off Seasonal Affective Disorder with These Simple StrategiesDec 13, 2023Depression is a global problem that isn’t always diagnosed properly but affects us whether we know we have it or not. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) causes depression during specific times of the year, but there are ways to manage it.
Here’s Who Can Benefit from BRCA TestingNov 21, 2023Breast cancer is a problem for millions of women, but if you have specific genes that can lead to cancer, detecting them early can lead to better chances of survival. Read on to find out more.
Why Do I Get Recurring UTIs?Sep 01, 2023Your urinary tract is important for eliminating waste, and conditions like urinary tract infections can make that more difficult. It’s also possible to face UTIs chronically. Here we explore why and what you can do about it.
I'm Traveling Out of the Country. How Should I Prepare?Aug 01, 2023So you’re packing up and finally getting ready to take that trip overseas you’ve always wanted. What should you do to stay healthy while you’re away, and what can you do to be ready when you get there? Read on to find out more.
How Often Should I Get a Pap Smear?Jul 04, 2023Pap smears are an important part of a woman’s wellness check, but when do you need one, and does the frequency of these tests change over time? Read on to get answers.
How Family Planning Can Benefit You When the Time Is RightJun 02, 2023While unintended pregnancies are declining, there are still a great number of them causing chaos for people who didn’t plan to start families. Family planning can be an important part of starting a family when you’re ready.
Spotting the Warning Signs of Substance AbuseMay 02, 2023Substance abuse is still a major crisis and is on the rise. If a loved one is dealing with this issue, you need to know the signs. Read on to find out what to look for if you think someone you know is struggling and needs help.
STD Testing: Is It Right for Me and How Often Should It Be Done?Apr 05, 2023If you’re sexually active, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) always present some level of risk. But testing varies from person to person based on your risk for specific conditions. Read on to find out more.
Getting Back in the Game After an ACL TearMar 09, 2023Injuries from intense physical activity are common, and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are a problem for millions of people. If you’re trying to get back on your feet after this injury, here’s how we can help.
Managing Your Asthma in the WinterFeb 07, 2023Asthma is a lung disease that affects your ability to breathe, and it impacts millions of people in America. This condition is also problematic in the winter, so if you need some tips for coping in the colder months, we’re here to help.
Why Does My Lower Back Hurt So Badly?Jan 05, 2023Back pain is a common condition for millions, occurring frequently in your lumbar, or lower back, region. But if you’re dealing with severe lower back pain, what’s causing it? How can you get it treated? Read on to find out more.
Help! My Child Has EczemaDec 09, 2022Eczema is a common skin condition that kids deal with well into their teens, and it can continue to affect them into their adult years. While not life-threatening, it can increase their risk of other skin ailments. Read on to find out more.
The Impact of Mental Health on Your Physical HealthNov 07, 2022Mental health and physical health are both vital to our overall well-being, but we often don’t think about how one affects the other. Read on to learn how mental issues can impact your physical well-being.
When Should You Seek Medical Help for Allergy Symptoms?Oct 05, 2022Millions of people in the United States suffer from a wide variety of allergies, but with medications and avoiding allergens, they can manage on their own. So, when are allergy symptoms bad enough to need medical help?
5 Signs You May be Suffering From a Testosterone DeficiencySep 05, 2022Testosterone is a vital hormone in your maturity and your sex life. Testosterone deficiency can wreak havoc on your body in a variety of ways. Read on to learn the signs of this condition.
Going Abroad This Summer? We Have Your Vaccines Covered, Plus 5 Tips to Stay Healthy While TravelingAug 04, 2022It’s that time of the year again. The weather is warm, and everyone wants to travel. However, if you’re planning on traveling abroad, there are some helpful tips you may need to make sure you’re prepared and properly vaccinated.
Depression and Anxiety are Soaring. How We Can Help?Jul 14, 2022The numbers surrounding mental health disorders in the United States over the last two years are nothing short of staggering — 20%-30% of the population reports symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Know that there is help.
Most Common Causes For Ringing EarsDec 22, 2020Tinnitus, also known as ringing in ears, is the perception of sound in your head with no external source. The sound comes in forms of ringing, chirping, whistling, buzzing, humming, roaring, hissing or shrieking.
How Lack of Sleep Can Impact Hearing LossDec 22, 2020A lack of sleep negatively affects the human body in various ways. Overnight, our bodies recharge and without adequate sleep, we aren’t properly catering to our physical and mental health.
Ways a Healthy Diet Can Lead to Better HearingAug 11, 2020Hearing loss or hearing impairment is a common condition for people of all ages. Roughly 2 to 3 of every 1,000 children 404 born in the United States are born with hearing loss in either one or both of their ears.
Tinnitus – Facts & StatsJun 05, 2020If you have ever heard a ringing, buzzing, hissing, roaring, or whooshing noise in your ears or head, which is not coming from an external sound, you may have what is known as tinnitus – and you are not alone.
Tinnitus: Causes, Treatment, and PreventionJun 05, 2020If you have ever heard a ringing, buzzing, hissing, roaring, or whooshing noise in your ears or head, which is not coming from an external sound, you may have what is known as tinnitus – and you are not alone.
Common Questions About TinnitusJun 05, 2020If the ringing, buzzing or hissing sounds in your head or ears is becoming overwhelming, it’s time to consult an audiologist as you may have tinnitus.
Central Auditory Processing Disorder – Insights & ResourcesMar 17, 2020Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is a complex condition that can be present in children as well as adults. It is a fascinating and somewhat controversial area of study. It wasn’t too long ago that the disorder was not widely accepted to exist.
How loud is it? [Hearing Health Infographic]Dec 05, 2019Every sound has a decibel measurement that helps determine your hearing ability and health, from a pin dropping to a balloon popping, from a fire cracker to a rocket launch.